Vintage Movie Magazines

I love films.  Any genre really from romcoms through to thrillers and action movies.  Horrors are the only kind that I draw the line at (although I somehow managed to see 'The Descent' at the cinema a few years ago with my friend - we both found it terrifying!)

My love of the cinema got me looking around at publications to do with the movies - and there I came across an old magazine called Photoplay that was published from 1910 through to 1930.

This magazine had lovely covers that are well worth showing, and a few colour vintage ads as well.

These pictures have uploaded in a bit of a strange order, but as the advert featuring shoes has come out first, who am I to argue with the logic of Blogger?!

You have to laugh at the Lucky Strike cigarette advert here (especially if you read my last but one blog).

It's Toasted - No Irritation, no cough!  Strange concept that a cigarette (or I suspect the tobacco in it) has been toasted.  Sounds like what they do to cornflakes, not cigarettes!

"Toasting takes out every bit of bite and throat irritation".  Doesn't sound like much to boast about - why on earth did people carry on smoking if they experienced coughs, 'bite' and throat irritation!  The mind boggles.

Anyway, I'll stop waffling on about smoking again.

Truly lovely magazine covers.  I did see an advert for a vibrator (!!), will have to have another look and find that one to put up too.
